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Noah the One-Legged Rescue Pigeon

Oh Hai!

I found this great story courtesy of Cute Overload.  I did a little more research and found an update at Arc For Wildlife.  Given my affinity for three legged cats, there was no way I could pass up a one legged pigeon who fosters other orphaned and injured animals story.

Five tiny baby bunnies were brought into Wild Rose Rescue Ranch in Texas after being attacked by a dog.  Two of the five babies died and the other three were not doing well until they met Noah.  Noah is a non-releasable one legged homing-pigeon.  Noah spent most of his time by the bunnies cage after they were brought in.  One morning there were only two babies found in the cage.  The third baby had crawled through the cage bars and settled himself comfortably under Noah’s wing.  The other two soon joined the first and all three spent their time snuggled safely under Noah’s protection.  When the babies started to move out from under Noah’s wing he would use his beak to guide them back under.  The babies health quickly improved thanks to Noah’s loving kindness.  They grew up happy and healthy and Noah now fosters other sick and injured animals that come into Rose Rescue Ranch.  What a great story of inter-species love and caring.  Way to go Noah.

Thank You For Your Consideration,

The Graham Ten

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